Wednesday, January 14, 2009

George Orwell and porrons

“We ate at long trestle-tables out of permanently greasy tin pannikins, and drank out of a dreadful thing called a porron. A porron is a sort of glass bottle with a pointed spout from which a thin jet of wine spurts out whenever you tip it up; you can thus drink from a distance, without touching it with your lips, and it can be passed from hand to hand. I went on strike and demanded a drinking-cup as soon as I saw a porrón in use. To my eye the things were altogether too like bed-bottles, especially when they were filled with white wine.”

-George Orwell

Oh yeah, Georgie? Well I think Animal Farm was an overly-simplistic viewpoint of communism with a severe Western theocratic slanting. I guess 1984 was alright, bastard.

The Devil's Handiwork

You just got Porrówned!

Well, this is the blog for those of us that attended the October Food and Wine Seminar to Spain courtesy of the Culinary Institute of America and our tuition dollars...or was it Euros? Anyways, anything that's not on the Facebook group page will go here. Let me know if there's anything you want or need from this blog.
